

Jnanasutra was born in Kamalashila in eastern India. After much study he went to live in Bodhgaya with five hundred scholars. It was there that he met Vimilamitra.

One day, the two of them were walking when a vision of Vajrasattva Buddha appeared to them. They were told that if they really wanted to attain Buddhahood, they should go to the Bodhi Tree in China and seek out a teacher there.

Vimalmitra went there first and upon returning told Jnanasutra about his meeting with Palgyi Senge.

Jnanasutra left soon thereafter to meet the great master himself. He supplicated the master, making offerings for three years before asking for teachings. Shrishima conferred upon him the oral instructions for nine years.

Satisfied, Jnansutra was about to leave when the master told him he had not yet received the complete teachings. He then received more empowerments and teachings on the Innermost Esoteric Cycle for the next three years.

After much practice, he realized full control over his mind.

He stayed with Shrimrima for an additional sixteen years, practicing meditation.

Once the master entrusted him with the texts of the Inner Esoteric teachings, the Nyingtik, he took them back to India to the Bhashing charnal ground, east of Bodhgaya. There, he gave Vimalimtra all the empowerments and teachings and, in turn, entrusted him with the texts.