Orgyen Khandroling
Buddhist Meditation Center

Rigdzin Dupa Drupchod - Aug 2024 - Denver

Anyen Rinpoche, Allison Choying Zangmo
Denver, CO
2024-08-08 - 2024-08-17

**To register, please click here and fill out the form as soon as possible. You will then be sent a tuition invoice via email from Paypal.**

We are delighted to announce our annual Rigdzin Dupa Drupchod at Orgyen Khandroling Dharma Center this August. Anyen Rinpoche, Allison Choying Zangmo and our whole sangha welcomes you for ten days of intensive Rigdzin Dupa practice and teachings on the Jamgon Kongtrul’s commentary of Geshe Chekawa’s essential text Seven Point Mind Training.

August 8- 17, 2024

Denver CO, In person only

*Note, out of towners must arrive 8/07 and may depart starting 8/18. ALL days and practice sessions must be attended to join this program.*

This year's teachings:

This year, Anyen Rinpoche will offer special teachings on Geshe Chekawa's Seven Point Mind Training, an essential Lojong (mind training) text. Anyen Rinpoche received this teaching many times from his root Lama, Tsara Dharmakirti Rinpoche. After giving Anyen Rinpoche these teachings in a unique, upadesha style, Tsara Dharmakirti Rinpoche also named Anyen Rinpoche "Pillar of Lojong" to show Anyen Rinpoche’s ability to uphold and spread these teachings widely.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that :

“The essential message of the lojong teaching is that if we want to see a better world, we should begin by improving our own mind. For me, the lojong tradition stands as the heart of the Buddha’s message of peace. It teaches us how to regard others with the dignity and care that they deserve, and also how to transcend the limitations of conventional ego-grasping. In brief, it is a guideline for our own enlightenment, leading to enlightened conduct in our own dealings with others.”

More about the practice:

Rigdzin Dupa, or “Gathering of Vidyadharas,” is a Longchen Nyingthig lineage practice which enables us to directly receive the blessings of Padmasambhava. Since the 2017 Drupchod, the sangha has been working extremely hard at mastering all of the skills needed to make the Drupchod a very special experience for everyone. We invite you to attend this very special retreat at our beautiful center in downtown Denver. The tradition of gathering vajra brothers and sisters together to practice in the style of a drupchod is unique to the Secret Mantrayana tradition. At a drupchod, a large number of lay and monastic Mantrayana practitioners gather together for a week or more to focus on reciting, practicing, and accomplishing one specific practice. This style of practice is said to be intensely more beneficial for a Mantrayana sangha than practicing alone. Traditionally, it is said not only to raise the blessings and realization of the sangha, but also said to promote peace within the local and global community, and act as a counter to negative forces and agitating energy.

Tuition Levels:

$725- Bronze: Includes an offering to Rinpoche for the teachings, flowers/candles/zhalze on the shrine, Rinpoche and Allison’s meals and a contribution to the tsok offerings
$760- Silver: Includes all of the offerings of the bronze level, plus an extra contribution to make the tsok more elaborate
$800 - Gold: Includes all of the offerings of the silver level, plus an extra contributions to make the tsok even more elaborate
*If you would like to request financial assistance to attend, please contact

Everyone will receive a new reprint of our sadhana text this year, and it is included in all levels of registration.

***NOTE, if you are unable to attend the Drupchod in person, the teachings will be available for streaming online or for watching later. Please
**click here** for information on that option.**